On life and living...
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Published on January 10, 2004 By poisonpen In Misc

Who wants to sword fight anyway? There is nothing better than a good insult. Especially if it's in print. The beauty of the printed insult is that you get time to think it up, fine tune it and deliver it in a lovely font. Unfortunately, you don't always have that option, particularly if you are engaged in one-to-one combat with an inane sales clerk at the 'crap galore' refund counter. You need a good artillery of quips, quotes and vexatious one-liners ready to fire off at any given moment. There is nothing worse than walking away and later thinking "I should've said..."

I always think the best insults are the ones that are witty yet indifferent. The ones that make it seem like you're just stating facts and you couldn't really care less anyway. You don't want to appear angry or even bitter. That just makes you look uncool. A throwaway remark is best, one you just thought up there and then yet hangs around in the air long after you've gone, annoying the crap out of the person you said it to. Hopefully they will wake from a fitful sleep at 3am and think "I should've said..."

Which brings me to THE LAST WORD.

There is nothing better than having the last word. The only sure-fire way to guarantee this though is to quickly run off after delivering your witty response, fingers in ears yelling 'Can't hear ya! Can't hear ya!'
Childish but effective.
on Jan 10, 2004
Great advice, If I do say so myself....